
What is cyber security?

Cyber Security – Tier 1 Techs

Cyber Security – What is cybersecurity?

tier1techs cyber security miami

Cyber security, also known as computer security, is the practice of protecting electronic information by mitigating information risks and vulnerabilities.

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What is Managed Service Provider IT company

A managed service provider (MSP) is a company that provides outsourced management of information technology (IT) systems and services to businesses.

MSPs offer a comprehensive portfolio of services that covers everything from helpdesk and desktop services to data center management, storage and disaster recovery.

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Five ways to help you find your most productive self

We all have our own special ways of working. And we all know that with these special ways of working come our own special ways of not working—swiping through Tinder, scrolling through Facebook, taking your fifth trip to the bathroom in less than two hours, and spinning around in your office chair for an unacceptable amount of time.

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4 Ways Big Data Can Positively Affect Your Business

Data isn’t just purchase history and advertising responses anymore. It’s much bigger, and it’s coming from your customers as well as from within your own company. As information grows, so does the potential for better business, from the way you interact with your customers to your internal processes and efficiencies.

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How to Hold Meetings More Effectively

Although entirely necessary in the workplace, meetings have become an office nightmare for productive employees. They always seem to either take too long, are not long enough, or end with no solutions—making them unsustainable for both the company and the staff.

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Four values your company should live by to succeed

In its purest form, values are the fundamental truths of an organization, the guiding beliefs that delegate how a person should behave and act. Values are the defenders of your ideals and they help us determine what’s important in life.

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Phishing 101: The Basics

What is phishing? If you answered with anything about a day off on a boat with rods and lures, you’re very wrong. Phishing (with a PH and not an F) is defined as the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies or persons in order to get individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

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